We belong to the French tourist information network and these are our promises to better welcome, advise and satisfy you.
Provide you with a welcome area and information area that’s easy to access in our information centres.
Streamline your experience.
Provide you with seating.
Provide free information about local tourist services.
Display and advertise the opening times of its information centres in at least one foreign language.
Open at least 120 days per year including Saturday and Sunday during high season or events.
Answer your mails and emails all year round.
Provide a permanent information service run by staff who speak at least one foreign language.
Supply tourist maps, plans and guides on paper.
Provide you with a website in at least two languages.
Provide tourist information on paper translated into at least one language covering: all rated tourist accommodation with at least the name of the establishment, address, email address, website, phone number and rating; monuments and cultural, natural or leisure sites including admission fees, opening times, website, phone number and address; events and activities; emergency phone numbers.
Update its tourist information on an annual basis.
Display emergency numbers outside its information centres.
Process your complaints and assess your satisfaction.
Provide you with a trip advisor.
Ensure the information about local tourist services is reliable and up to date.
Update data on the tourist services on offer in its geographical area of operation.