Malraux. Scène nationale Chambéry Savoie

  • Patrimoine culturel
  • Malraux. Scène nationale Chambéry Savoie

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Carré Curial
73000 Chambéry
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04 79 70 15 94


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  • Town of Art & History
  • 20th C

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Entertainment hall, built in 1987 by Mario Botta.

Built by the celebrated Swiss architect, Mario Botta, L'Espace Culturel André-Malraux is the most recent Maison de Culture in France. According to constraints imposed by the municipality, Botta linked the Maison de Culture to the former Napoleonic barracks. The entrance was thus built in the inner courtyard. The main originality of this entertainment room, without a façade, is that it reveals all of the building techniques that are usually hidden. The architecture is highlighted by the force of the duo-tones and a decorative horizontal bands of white stone and concrete. This principle is very important to the architect, and can be found on the inside, with alternating grey marble and rough concrete. The main room has almost 1000 seats for spectators. A cinema room, located under the stands in the room, is directly accessible, without having to pass through the Cour du Carré Curial.

Type of cultural heritage:

Historic site and monument


Ne se visite que lors des Journées européennes du patrimoine en septembre

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