Caving hikes

  • Équipements
  • Caving hikes

Practical information


Aillons-Margeriaz 1400
( Parking vers la place à Baban)
73340 Aillon-le-Jeune
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Se garer au parking de "la place à Baban", dans une épingle avant la station d'Aillons-Margériaz 1400.


04 79 54 63 65


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  • Rock climbing site
  • Site of caving

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An introduction to caving and caving systems with the help of rope bridges and ladders. As you progress deeper into the cave, the information panels will give you a better understanding of the different stages of the geological formation of Le Massif des Bauges.

The tour of the "Tanne du Névé" cave is a 1 hour 30 minute round-trip.
Aillons-Margériaz 1400
In winter, professional caving instructors are required to accompany visitors. However, the caves are free to explore at your leisure throughout the summer.
Inquire before visiting the dates of the prefectoral order

Safety instructions:
- Helmet and torch compulsory for all visitors. Please ensure the battery-life of your torch beforehand.
- Wear suitable clothing. In the caves, it can be quite cold (approximately 5°C), damp and dirty.
- Some sections can be very narrow. Caving is not recommended for people who are uncomfortable in confined spaces.
- For your own safety, please do not venture into the caves alone.
- Under 18's, whether they are on their own or accompanied by a non-professional, remain the responsibility of their parents.
- There is no mobile phone signal inside the caves. Please let friends or family know where you are going and what time you are due back.
- In the event of an emergency, leave the caves and dial 112 to alert the emergency services.

Where to rent helmets and head torches:
- Aillons-Margériaz 1000: Aillon sport or Intersport
- Le Châtelard: Terres d'Altitude


From 26/04 to 31/10.


Free access.



Fiche-acces-speleorando © OT Aillons-Margériaz
Panneau accueil Spéléorando © PNR du Massif des Bauges

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